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[Early Access] Quick GLTF Exporter for Blender

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[Early Access] Quick GLTF Exporter for Blender


This script is being released early for testing and feedback. There are further features planned for it which will come over time.

This add-on tool allows users to tweak the essential export parameters easily in the viewport and offers a button for easily exporting according to the set parameters. The more uncommon parameters will eventually be added in an 'advanced' view mode of the plugin. For now, this will satisfy most for most things.

It has the following export selection types:

  • Export Modes
    • Selected - will export the selected objects
      • Can export selected including all its children, so only the top object needs to be selected
      • Can export each object incrementally/independently, where each file gets the name of the object. So you can select Object1, Object 4, Object 6 and press the 'export' button and the object will be exported to the export folder as Object1.gltf, Object4.gltf.
      • Combining these two with the export selected including all its children above, you could easily export complex hierarchies, for instance Car 1, Car 2, NPC1, but just selecting their top most object and hitting export, then they will independently be in file Car 1, Car 2 and NPC1 with their whole object hierarchy. So only select 3 objects and hit the export button and it is all there.
    • Active Collection - Will export all the object in the active collection (the ones you switch between with the 1-9 keys) or create in the Outliner.
    • All Collections - Will export the whole Blender Scene (blender files can have multiple Scenes, this exports everything in the current one.
    • It can move the object being exported to the scene origin (and back again when it is finished) so you can have your object anywhere in the scene and have the origin of the object be at the origin of the gltf file.
    • It can apply modifiers on export
    • It can use tangent space on export
    • It can use vertex colors on export
    • It can export with Y+ being up (glTF standard, and Godot)
  • Materials - will export materials, placeholders (empty slots), or none.
  • Animations - will export the animations in various forms.
  • Can bake the animation on export
  • Can switch animation modes
    • Actions - Export actions (actives and on NLA tracks) as separate animations
    • Active actions - Active actions merged – All the currently assigned actions become one glTF animation
    • NLA tracks - Export individual NLA Tracks as separate animation
    • Scene - Export baked scene as a single animation
  • Group by NLA tracks - When on, multiple actions become part of the same glTF animation if they’re pushed onto NLA tracks with the same name. When off, all the currently assigned actions become one glTF animation
  • Lighting Mode - Optional backwards compatibility for non-standard render engines.
  • Spec - Standard – Physically-based glTF lighting units (cd, lx, nt)
  • Compatible - Non-physical, unitless lighting.
  • File Settings
  • Override file name - Name the export file independently of the settings above (such as, the scene name, collection name, object name based on which export mode has been selected.
  • Remove suffixes on export (the .001) suffixes.
  • File path - where the files will be stored.
  • glTF format to save to
    • glTF Binary
    • glTF Seperate
    • glTF Embedded.
  • The export button

  • Easily change between extorting only the selected object(s), exporting all the objects in the active collection, or all objects in all collections (the scene).
  • When exporting only selected objects, the user gets the option to export the children of the selected, so the user need only select the top object and then all children of it will also be exported with it.
  • When exporting only selected objects, the user gets the option to export the selection incrementally. So in this case with the Export Selected Object Incrementally and Export Children Of Selected toggled, the exporter will export one object with all its children at a time - and name the export file the name of the current object (unless the name override is toggled). This makes it easy to bulk export objects, as only the top object must be selected and multiple objects can be selected and only press the export button once.

  • Any of the glFT formats can be selected.
  • Can remove '.001' suffixes for each object and children being exported.
    • A feature to add a random string to each object will be implemented for when using scenes with hundreds of objects - As if there are too many objects to shift the .001 suffixes (up to .100, etc) blender will at some point give up and stop.
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